Wednesday, 21 November 2012

3c- 5 Most Important Sources Of Information

So what are my 5 most important sources of information? I've had a good think and managed to narrow it down to my top 5! I found it interesting reading other people's blogs and was intrigued to see how similar all our thoughts are. I noticed how there are a few sources that keep cropping up amongst us!

1. Friends

Like i said in blog 3a, communicating through friends is definitely my favourite and most efficient way of networking and gathering information. I love socialising, so meeting for a coffee or having a quick chat over the phone is the perfect and most enjoyable combination for me. Not only can it result in finding about an audition or casting, but you also get to develop relationships with your friends and gain support and advice. Of course it works both ways. It's a great feeling knowing you have helped out a friend or been a shoulder to cry on. A friendship group is a circle with each person Inputting information they have gained from various other sources. This provides us all with so much knowledge that we maybe couldn't have gained on our own.

2. The Internet (web 2.0)

In my previous blog I spoke about the amount I rely on Internet sources. Websites such as Spotlight, The Stage as well as email and social networking like Facebook and Twitter. These are all branches which help us pick up information and widen our networking community. I am constantly receiving updates from my Spotlight account about new jobs and castings that have been posted. I am forever using email as a way of communicating professionally with my networks, enquiring about jobs, submitting c.vs etc. This even links in with friends and keeping tight circles with them. Twitter and Facebook are a quick and easy way of checking in on friends whether near or far. The Internet offers us so many platforms to help us develop as professionals. We can receive information as well as promote and advertise ourselves on the likes of YouTube or flickir.

3. iPhone/ laptop

Without my iPhone I can honestly say i would not know how to survive (how bad) As I mentioned above, I am constantly receiving updates regarding auditions and valuable information circling around about our industry. I feel like my left arm has been cut off if I happen to leave my phone at home or my battery dies...this is because I'm worried I will miss something important. I have agents who ring once and if you don't answer then they will just move on to the next person and offer them the job instead. Everything is so fast paced this day in age and I feel that my iPhone provides me with the tools to allow me to keep up with this. If a cv and head shot needs sending then it can be done instantly from my iPhone....I receive my regular updates from Spotlight...through my iPhone. If I need to find out where an audition is held or what train route I need to take, I simply pick up my iPhone and I can receive this information pronto! It's amazing! It does everything. It brings with it a sense of security because it makes me feel like I am never on my own! This source allows me to keep on track of my other important sources and keeps me in the loop wherever I am in the world! I love my iPhone :)....I'm actually blogging on my iPhone right now....iPhone is the way forward :)!!!

4. Agents

Having an agent in this industry is a very important thing. Using their knowledge and contacts they provide us with valuable information. Whether it be to do with auditions and castings, or even using their experience to advise us on cvs or head shots we should use. Whilst I am doing my own research, I know that they too are hard at work trying to help me be successful. Agents can help retrieve feedback for us after an audition and I find this very useful as it helps me think of improvements for next time around. Agents are an important source of information because they are able to access certain information that we may not necessarily be able to get ourselves. As I said in blog 3a, I believe it is essential that every performer maintains a good relationship with their agent in order to help develop and become more successful.

5. Class

For me class is a perfect time to pick people's brains and find out about new and exciting things coming up! I am always so relaxed and around people who have the same love as me so it's a positive atmosphere to be in. I can use this time to observe others and learn from them. I can see what techniques and approaches work for them and apply this to my own skills which will help me in auditions. I mentioned in my blog 3A that I could improve my networking in class by reviewing other peoples techniques. I have already put this in to practice by being aware to catch the teachers eye; which has gained me an audition with their agency.

These are my top 5 sources of information that I feel I use on a daily basis. Each of the sources offers me the relevant information I need to push me in the right direction. In this industry, a combination of networking and information sources, along with hard work and determination can help us become the best we can be!

Task 3b- The Networked Professional

When I think of cooperation, I think of a group of people working together, inputting ideas and thoughts to help tackle problems, each giving and taking. Reader 3 relates cooperation with Game Theory and how people work strategically to succeed but with this being at another's expense. Axelrod (1984) explains the importance of cooperating fully with others until you reach a maximum point of benefit, and then to 'defect', finding ways to predict how certain people will respond. Playing the 'Prisoners Dilemma' really helped me understand how people use cooperation to further their careers at the expense of others.

This made me relate this to my own experiences and realise that this is definitely something I have witnessed in the past. Creating alliances with someone and gaining a certain amount of trust, extracting everything you need, to then just 'defect' definitely does not go down well. You do not want to create enemy's in this industry and do not want people to think they have been used. I personally would not play this game, in fear it would go wrong and I would give myself a bad reputation in this small industry. I believe cooperation is all about give and take with the benefits being mutual. How successfull the results depends on whether you decide to cooperate or not. This part of the reader has made me realise that some people think strategically instead of emotionally, doing anything they can to get ahead in the game and this is something i will be more aware of in the future.


Affiliation- a social process that provides us with a network of support that will help us when we need it (crisp & turner 2007 pp266). It is human nature to want to be able to connect and associate with others. We feel the need to affiliate in all walks of life, both professionally and personally. This of course may differ in each person but we each seek to balance our interactions with others to a preferred level (O'Connor & Rosenblood, 1996).

Having affiliations both in the industry and outside helps me keep a good balance. It keeps me grounded and helps put things in to perspective. It makes you see that being cut from that audition isnt actually the end of the world! Affiliations provide a sense of security and are your wall of support. Speaking with friends in the same boat makes me realise that i am not doing this alone and so i find this really comforting. Having interactions with people who share the same experiences as I do is something I appreciate and highly value. From reading this theory i have come to understand that affiliations is something I have relied strongly on for as long as I can remember. It reiterates the importance of the circles you have around you and how they can help develop you as a professional and also as a person. I am aim to keep these strong because i know without them i would be lost!

Social Constructionism

Reader 3 states that social constructionism is a one of a set of related explanations about how meanings about the world are made. We interact with each other to help make sense of things. Interaction helps with both existing and future networks we are part of. It gives us the chance to construct are own meanings and create new and exciting networks that work for us. Before coming across this theory, I can honestly say I had never thought about what social constructionism meant. I like the fact it points out that we as human beings need each other to help create meaning for ourselves regarding are experiences and the world itself. It is now more apparent to me that social constructionism is something I do in my every day life, I just didn't realise it. I can now reflect on my past experiences and bring meaning to them, realising that many were actually created using social constructionism.


Reader 3 explains to us that in relation to professional networks , connectivism shows how networks both learn and provide tools for people to connect and develop their own knowledge. It is linked to 'network theory's' and helps us understand how people communicate and interact via the web. Web 2.0 lends to us the tools to help better educate ourselves and widen our networks virtually. Connectivism auggests the traditional ways of learning should be altered and maybe even cast aside completely. I do not agree with this 100%. Don't get me wrong, I have learnt that without web 2.0 we would be greatly restricted in our learning, but in my opinion, I believe new virtual methods combined with traditional ways is the best way to learn and expand networks.

Communities Of Practice

'A community of practice is a set of relations among persons, activity, and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and overlapping communities of practice'(Lave & Wegner, 1991). This is my favourite theory and one I feel relates to my personal practice. Being part of a community where you are surrounded by those of similar interests is when are you are most relaxed and at ease; therefore more comfortable when making contacts. This also develops social learning and allows us engage within our communities. I can think of occasions when communities I am part of have come together and this has helped me make more sense of situations and problems I am trying to break down. It enables me become more confident in my abilities because i am working closely with those in a similar position who understand and relate to me. We all have a connection and are striving for success. Being part of of a 'community of practice' is something I love and a time when I am at my happiest. Not only am I doing something I enjoy, but I'm also getting to experience it with others who share the same feelings as i do.My communities of practice are a part of my daily routine and so I am constantly surrounded by like minded people and friends. Some of these practices include class, auditions, jobs and generally just socializing with friends.


I have always been aware that networking is something that is crucial in our industry. This part of the module has reiterated this to me even more so and made me realise that a lot of the theories mentioned, I had already been putting in to practice. Some I do not agree with completely but I am able to pick the relivent parts and relate it back to my own personal experiences. I now feel more in the know about the types of networking in the professional circle and will take the time to observe others and learn from their ideas, even if I don't feel they would necessarily work for me.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Task 3a: Networks

So networking....I used to always dread this word. It has been drummed in to my head since the beginning of college; teachers explaining its importance and how it is a crucial part of our industry. Soon enough, I came to realise that how successful you are sometimes can come down to who you know. It can work in your favour...and then sometimes make you feel like why did I bother training at all if there not going to even look at me? It is sometimes hard to digest but we all have to accept that it is always going to be this way. We may feel like we start at the bottom and don't know a soul, but through ways of our own we can help control this by developing our networks so that one day we are that person who walks in the room and knows you've already got the job.

I am going to talk about my existing networks and how they work well for me. I will also look in to further ideas and observe others to see how I could improve my current networks and so therefore become a better practitioner.

I am going to start this off with friends. Personally this is my favourite way of networking. As I said earlier, I used to dread the word networking as it seemed so forced. I feel that networking through friends is the most natural, and beneficial way of extracting information. You are relaxed and without even realising your doing it you are networking. You don't feel under pressure to pretend to be someone your not or feel like your sucking up to someone. You can be honest with each other and maybe ask questions you wouldn't feel comfortable asking a teacher or an agent for example. It works both ways, you can receive information as well as give it. This can help a friendship group become more aware of important events, such as auditions, workshops, job opportunities. I can't even begin to start with how many opportunities have been thrown my way because of the communication between my friendship group. Whether it be a casting, someone giving me a number of a great photographer, information about a promotional agency...the list goes on. With friends you feel the need to help in any way possible.

This then brings me on to 'socialising'. this is something I do regulary with my friends and feel that this can always lead to great things. Your on a night out, the drinks are flowing and your chatting away to all these new people you've been introduced to. Without even being aware of it, your making contacts, no matter how big or small! You never know who you could meet...(secretly we hope it's the next big casting director who just loves you to pieces and offers you a job right there and then!!) haha we wish!!

I've spoke about networking outside the work place but of course working on a job is an important time when you can get to know people and make contacts. It is important to always work to your full potential because you are always being watched. This is a chance for professionals to see how you work and get to know your personality. This is your chance to remind them why they picked you in the first place, and show how amazing you are so that there's a chance they might consider you for other jobs! I know this has definitely worked for me in the past and I plan for this to be my aim on every other job in the future. An example of this is when I was doing a photo shoot with a photographer and he was telling me about people he had worked with. He mentioned an agency that I had been trying to get an auditon with but couldnt because they were fully booked. Within seconds he was on his phone txting the director of the agency telling him he had to see me! Before I knew it I was stood there a few days later in the audition room, giving it all I could! Something I had been pushing for, for so long and not managed to achieve, was done in the click of a button all because he was good friends with the agency! I know that because I had worked hard for the photographer in the session and showed my potential that he felt confident enough to recommend me to someone important! It just shows, its not always what you know but who you know!

Auditions are a great way of networking and getting your face out there. It is your time to showcase yourself. Even if you don't land the job you are auditioning for, there's a chance someone could still spot you and think you are more suited for anther job! They can lead to bigger and better opportunities so we must always deliver and look our best. At auditions there can be a lot of waiting around so it's the perfect chance to chat to other audition-ees and pick their brains! It's refreshing meeting new faces and hearing about important things that may be coming up.

Of course an obvious way of networking in this industry is through your agent. I take full advantage of their knowledge and make it an aim of mine to speak to them at least two times a week. I have created a good relationship with my agent and so I feel they have a better understanding of my personality and what I am about. This works well for me and I feel is beneficial when they are choosing who to put forward for certain auditions. I constantly touch base to make sure they don't forget about me. This is why I believe you must create a stable relationship with your agent in order to reap the benefits and further your networking community.

Class is somewhere I feel I could develop my networking skills. I usually just stand to the back of the class, with my head down, minding my own business with my focus on the exercises and routines laid before me. This is my time to Improve my fitness and perfect my technique, however, after watching others I have learnt that a dance class can also be used as a way of networking. Catching a teachers eye could lead to bigger opportunities than I realised! You never know who they know and they could even recommend you to someone important. They could even invite you to an agency they are part of! Like auditions, you can build relationships with your peers and widen your contact base. After observing others I can identify new ways of networking and apply it to my own practice.

Social Networking
So lets talk about the virtual side of networking!! It wasn't until I started this course that I came to realise the amount I rely on the Internet and the tools provided to us by Web 2.0. Email is one thing I can honestly say I'd be lost without. I use this tool daily as a way of contacting employers, agents, casting directors and friends. Whether it be to email over a c.v or to simply check in with a friend. It is something we all have and a reliable and quick way of getting information across.

A website I use to help develop my networking community is Spotlight. Spotlight enables casting directors to see our c.vs as well as view portfolios and in some cases even watch us in action by watching a show reel! This is a very valuable source of networking and something I would advise all performers to be a part of.

I use social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook as a way of connecting with friends and family. Some agencies work over facebook, constantly keeping you in the loop regarding interviews, workshops and auditions and sometimes even asking people to fill in on a last minute job. This is very helpful, however i would never use these sources as a way of contacting important people in the business because I feel it would look unprofessional. I believe you should keep your professional network and social network separate.

Networking is a very important part of our industry and as I said earlier, it can even sometimes help you get the job! Personally I prefer networking face to face because the person can get a feel for who you are. However you must keep on top of all networks because in most cases you are not able to meet in person. Already I can see myself learning from others around me and watching what works for them. I can then relate these ideas to my own networks to help develop me in the future.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Task 2c

A Critical Reflection on Reflective Practice

Apologies for making my document private when first posted....didn't realise I had done this! I have changed the settings so you should be able to access it now :)!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Second campus session- 30/10/12

Really looking forward to the second campus session tomorrow. The first one really helped me understand things in more depth and I felt I absorbed so much from you all. Hoping for the same tomorrow :)!

Will add more after the session to give those who couldn't make it an idea of what was discussed. Wouldn't want you feeling left out now!

See you guys tomorrow! :) x

So yesterdays campus session was taken by Adesola. It was great to finally meet her and put a face to a name :). I will give a brief summary of some of the important topics I felt stood out for me. I will also give you links to other peoples blogs as some people were asked by Adesola to blog about certain things we discussed in more detail.

We started off the session by each introducing ourselves to one another. We then got in to partners and had to each write a word down that we felt summed us up. For example I wrote down 'performer' and my partner Sarah Robinson wrote 'teacher'. We then wrote a list of things we felt related to our partners word. I found this really interesting because at first I found myself writing down the obvious things I felt related to being a teacher, but then as time went on I started to think outside the box a bit. As I myself have not had much experience in teaching, I found that what worked for me, was relating Sarah to a teacher I have had myself. This helped me create a clearer picture. This task was also useful in making you realise what it is you actually do. Sometimes we actually forget because we are too busy rushing about our days and don't give ourselves time to think!

We spoke about Kolb's learning cycle and if we feel it works for us or not. We did an exercise using sticks and in pairs had to keep the sticks afloat by using just ore finger tips. This for me showed a great example of 'Concrete Experience' as I was actually doing it. I then found myself watching others to see what worked for them which was 'Reflective Observation'. Second time around once we changed partners, I would say I entered the cycle at a different point. In my head I had evaluated what I had learnt from doing it the first time 'Abstract Conceptualisation' and so I now was trying out the new ideas with my new partner 'Active Experimentation'. The exercise with the sticks really helped me break down each of the stages and I feel Kolb's learning cycle is a great tool for me when using reflection.

An Important Point!!
An important thing that stood out for me was when Adesola said about the theories being someone else's view and that it doesn't necessarily have to be true in your mind as you may feel it doesn't work for you. You should take out who you are and take things from other people you feel relate to you.

For example. I was finding keeping a written journal very time consuming but found that recording Facetime and Skype conversations of me explaining my day to others was a quicker and more effective method for me. After a day of shows, vocalising experiences allows me to open up and be very honest with my experiences and feelings. (Tharp and Reiter, 2006)
More in depth links to follow :)

Got a writing problem?

Task 2D- Inquiry

At first I found this task quite difficult. As I am not in a full time performing job at the moment i didnt think i would have anything to talk about that would co-incide with the questions asked. After reading through other peoples blogs i realised that i had plenty of things i could relate this task to. Whether it be past or present, in a dance class or down the all is relevant and part of my professional practice.

I have broke the task down in to sections, each answering the questions given to us in the hand book.

What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?

I am an avid gym-goer and friends of mine know that a session down the gym is part of my daily routine. I just love it and I love the feeling it gives me. I leave in such a positive frame of mind which always sets me off on the right foot for the day! You could say as a whole that it is fitness and health that i am very enthusiastic about and i feel this is very important in my professional practice. Working out helps me release any negative feelings i may have and it also gives me thinking time. Some of the best ideas and thoughts i come up with whilst running along on the tread mill! I work hard to look after myself and keep fit which then allows me to be confident and walk in to auditions with my head held high. There is nothing worse than going in to an audition not feeling your best. I feel that my ethusiasm for keeping fit and leading a healhy life style helps me gain the right approach to this career.

There are many people I admire throughout my daily practice. The obvious ones of course are friends of mine who through hard work and determination have acheieved their dream jobs. It is rewarding as a friend to see hard work pay off. I also admire people who manage to turn their lives around when things don't go to plan. For example my boyfriend played professionally as a footballer in his late teens but Unfortunately, injury after injury resulted in him being dropped from the team. He was able to turn this negative in to a positive and instead of waiting around for something to come to him, he attented college for a year to obtain the qualifications he would need to go to university. He knew he wanted to make something of himself, even if it wasn't down the football route. After graduating from university with a 2.1 degree, he is now working in a top I.T recruitment company in the heart of London and making an excellent living for himself. I admire not just my boyfriend but other people who are able to come out on the other side of negative situations.

What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found a way to work around the sadness or anger?

It makes me sad when i see people not work to the best of their ability. It could be the smallest of things such as someone not working hard in a dance class. I sometimes wonder why people even bother going! You come out sweating buckets whilst they look like they could step out on to the red carpet...make up in check and not a hair out of place. I think it is the way i have been brought up, to always give 100% and work to the best of your ability and so it infuriates me when I dont see this. It is upsetting to see when someone is naturally talented dancer but has no drive and really doesn't care at all. Another example, is when I once went to watch a west end show (naming no names) and there was a girl up there who looked like it was the worst day of her life. Not only was everything half marked, but she didnt even try and crack a smile and pretend like she was having a good time (and believe me this was a smiley show). This is upsetting to see when there are other people who would do anything to be up on that stage, doing what she's doing (but better). I admire all types of teachers and advisors who make every effort to work around this and try and bring the best out of each of their students.

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?

There are soooo many reasons why i love what i do! Ive already explained that i love the fact i have to keep myself fit and healthy as part of my job but i also love that this career can take you anywhere in the world! So not only are you doing what you love and performing, but you also get to explore amazing and beautiful places all over the world. Your doing what people would pay thousands of pounds to are travelling! Whether it be a cruise, a tour, a holiday resort...your passion can take you half way across the world. How lucky are we!! I myself have travelled to Japan and lived there for 8 months and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was truly eye opening and introduced me to a completly different way of living. I am embraced the people and their culture which i felt helped me mature and grow as a person. I also learnt life long lessons which will be with me forever.

I am lucky enough to have friends who have also travelled to various parts of the world and share the same love as i do. I admire each and every one of them. They all had the guts and determination to pick up and move to another country for the sake of their careers. There are even some friends of mine still away now, creating a new and exciting life for themselves. I admire these people for making sacrifices and not letting anything stop them from fore filling their dreams.

What do you feel you don't understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?

I feel i don't understand how jobs in out career have come to be so unstable? I have one particular friend who's first four performance jobs where cancelled! Four in a row! I know my friend was extremely unlucky but it is something that is regulary heard of nowadays. Shows are being axed for a number of reasons but nine times out of ten, it all comes down to money! Its scary for us performers who are waiting for that dream job to come along...because how long will it actually last? We might not even make it past rehearsals! Its hard to understand how we can fight our way through the numerous auditions to finally make the cut, for it then to be taken away from us so quickly. It's a harsh reality we have to deal with and I suppose something we need to accept if we want to carry on doing what we do!

I admire every single person who is able to pick up and move on after knock backs. It's not easy as our emotions are constantly being played with. One minute you're on cloud nine, the next you feel like someone has punched you in the stomach.

I admire every person on this course who is trying to look ahead and secure themselves a more stable future. We are opening doors for ourselves which is exactly what we need in an industry as fickle as ours.

Kolb- A learning cycle

Kolbs cycle shows how we all learn in different ways so therefore enter the learning cycle at different points. The entry point can vary depending on the circumstances and what we are experiencing This can also be known as your 'learning style'. It is important to be aware that we have had an experience in order to look back and reflect successfully.

I feel Kolbs diagram breaks down the different stages really well. It is very simple, so quick to read and absorb.

-Concrete Experience (doing/ having an experience)
-Reflective Observation (reviewing/ reflecting on the experience)
-Abstract Conceptualisation (concluding/ learning from the experience)
-Active Experimentation (planning/ trying out what you have learned)

I can definitely say i have experienced entering the cycle at all points depending on my situation. 'Reflective Observation' I find I use quite regularly because I feel by watching others and seeing how they do things helps me learn effectively. For example watching someone attempt a highly complicated dance step. I can then apply what i have learnt to my own professional practice.  For us as dancers, a good example of 'Concrete Experience' is taking part in an audition  and 'Abstract Conceptualisation' is evaluating the audition. You can learn from the experience and think of things you can improve on for next time. I also find that 'Active Observation' is highly effective as it allows you to try out what you have learnt and see if it actually works for you.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Task 2B- 'Journal Writing Experience'

So writing a diary was something i'd not done in years. I remember when I was younger having this little furry diary and after school each day I would find a few minutes to write down my thoughts and feelings. I can admit that this didn't last last long as I soon got bored and found more interesting things to occupy my time with. It wasn't until now that I realised how rewarding and benefitial writing a journal can be...I just wish I still had that old diary of mine so I could read back and laugh at myself! It also made me realise that I have used journal writing without even being aware of it! Whilst dancing for Disney in Japan, I kept contact with home daily and would use facebook and emails as my way of summing up my days events feelings. I struggled with being so far away from home and looking back, being able to share my thoughts and put it in to words was my coping mechanism. It helped me deal with being so far away.

Having thought about my past experiences with writing a diary, I was really looking forward to trying out all the suggested journal writing techniques! I was intrigued to see that looking back through my emails and facebook messages, I had actually used a lot of these techniques already!


This to me seems like the most normal and natural type of journal writing. I was able to describe the event as well as my emotions. This type I used a lot in previous diarys. However I did find it hard to just stick to this one technigue. It does not allow you to expand and i already found myself stealing elements from other techniques such as 'Evaulation'! Oopps!

Initial Reflection

This I found very interesting as you were able to express your initial feelings on what happened. I found that I had also used this mehthod previously. I do think that your feelings and thoughts can change so I felt myself wanting to explain these reasons and develop it more.


This I found to be wonderful! I was able to jot down short bullet points throughout the day which then made the account more accurate as I didn't miss any important information out! However, looking back at the list, I felt I had been restricted and wasn't able to go in to much detail about the events and emotions I experienced. This I feel is a good way of getting the information down quick so you don't forget, but I feel it is more benifitial combined with other techniques.

Graphs, charts and diagrams

This method for me worked in a similar way to the 'List' method. I used spider diagrams to write down events and I found this to be very quick and easy. Even when skimming over the page you are able to get a clear understanding of the events as it is written in bullet point form and so quick to read.


This was the method I felt myself falling in to with each of the other techniques. I was able to be very honest with myself and explore things that I felt went well and things that were maybe not as successful. I feel that this method does not restrict you as much as the others as you can go in to as much detail as you like. This worked well for me.

What if?

This was a really fun method. I was able to use my imagination and think of different outcomes...some less serious than others! It allowed me to be creative and think that anything is possible! Yes i did win 1 million pounds on the lottery....(not really...only got 2 numbers) but this is what i would have loved to have happened! Oh well :( maybe next time. It also made me think that everything happens for a reason and if we had the choice would we really want to change how things end up?

Another View

This was a good way of exploring an event from a different perspective. I tried the example given to us 'what was the view of your bag through the day?'. I did find this a little bit strange i must admit. It was hard trying to not share my actual emotions, but try and describe it through someone else's eyes. I didn't feel like this was a true reflection of your day. I don't think i would use this technique in the future.

After exploring each of the techniques, I am excited for the future journal writing I have ahead of me! This I know is only the beginning and already I feel it has helped me develop in so many way and make me a better person. This process has helped be be more honest with myself and introduced me to new ways of thinking and reflecting which will help me in my professional practice.

In conclusion I feel that a combination of a few methods together work best to provide an accurate reflection. I like the way I can jot ideas and thoughts down so they are not missed, for them then to be developed later on using description and evaluation techniques. I found it really interesting reading other peoples blogs and seeing how different things work for different people. It's a real eye opener :)!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Module one campus session- Task 1b

So Tuesday was a great day....I attended my first campus session  and I now do not fear the reader thanks to Rosemary and all you other guys involved :). I had read through it so many times and had still not managed to digest everything I wanted! This session helped me have a better understanding of what was asked of us in task 1b and made me realise that it wasn't scary at all :)!

It was pretty evident that task 1b was on everyones 'worry list', so we decided it would be useful to take an article each and read them through individually. We took 20 minutes to make notes which we then read aloud to the group. I found this really helpful as this allowed us to explain the articles in are own way and discuss and express our opinions together. It then became more apparent to me what web 2.0 actually is!

Ways In Which Professional Communication Technologies Enhance Your Professional Practice

Web 2.0 is something us students use in their every day lives and studies. It is a platform which helps support and develop us as professionals by using social networking in both the work place and wider communities. 

Reich talks about how there has been a substantial decrease in costs due to recent communication technologies, which therefore results in bigger and better opportunities for the participants involved. Gone are the days when sharing a video took days and cost money. 2.0 shows how much more simplified things can be done and yes I too can vouch for this as I can honestly say it took minutes for me to share my 'BAPP Starting Out' clip and it cost virtually nothing! This I may add is coming from someone who is not very net 'savvy' at all! However, I do think i'm getting there, and it's all thanks to web 2.0!

We can all see that the internet and information available is constantly changing. 0'Reily shows the comparison between web 1.0 and how much it has developed over the years to create 2.0 sites. It is exciting because not only are we able to extract information, but we are now able to re-create and edit things ourselves in the form of social networking sites such as blogs, facebook and twitter. As Lorenzo states, the web is 'user generated' and 'not just created by experts- it is created and co-created by amateurs'. It is highly beneficial as we as professionals can not only use information from other peers in our industry, but also use it as a platform to help broadcast and educate people about ourselves.

I do think that web 2.0 is amazing technology and that without it we would pretty much be lost (I woudn't be writing on a blog right now)! However, I do not think traditional ways of learning and communication should be completely cast aside. We must not let the younger generations of today get completely lost in Cyberspace. It's true when Lee Taylor says, we very rarely see children 'playing out' these days (this makes me feel very old). It's scary to think people are being controlled by their obsession for the internet. We can't forget that sometimes things just happen to make more sense when you sit and talk to people about it face to face. This I feel was demonstrated to us all at the campus session. The reader was just words on a page at first to me and it wasn't until this discussion that I actually started to gain a more thorough understanding of everything. The words actually started to mean something to me!

We must also remember that not all content found on the web is always 100% true. Gruber focuses on the fact that we have both authorised semantic sites which contain valid information, as well as social networking sites which contain peoples thoughts and opinions....this may not necesseraliy be correct information so we need to careful! 'Mass authoring is not the same thing as mass authority. Particulary in the presence of spam and other fraudulent sources in the mix, simply collecting the contributions of the masses does not lead to new levels of intelligence' GRUBER (2007)

I agree with Hannah Stewart when she says 'It's all about moderation'. These technologies, as I mentioned before are a great platform for us but i don't think we should rely on them completely. I believe we can take the good and bad from all types of learning and communications to help us grow and develop as professionals :)!

Friday, 5 October 2012

BAPP- 'Starting Out'

melaniebrown10- Task 1d Flickr photos


Hey here's my first Flickr post :)! More to come!

My First Blog!!

So this is my first blog...slightly scary as this all seems very confusing at first!! Hopefully i will get the hang of it soon :)!

Hello all BAPP people :)!! Was lovely meeting you all at the induction last week! Slightly strange sitting back in a class room with my note pad and pen out (hasn't happened in a while) but found it really interesting hearing about where you had all come from and your experiences etc!

So believe it or not, i managed to set up the wrong type of blog (dont know how that happened)....but not to panic, i have managed to resolve this and i now seem to be going in the right direction :) (hopefully)!!

I have uploaded a small 'About Me' section which is a brief summary about moi! It is a bit too 'brief' for my liking as i do like to blab quite a lot as I'm sure you all gathered from are induction meeting (love to talk) ooppss!! Therefore, i feel the need to share more with you lot and so i am going to bore you with a more in depth blog about myself (to come soon) as well as upload various cvs which have helped me along the way!

I've had a little nose around other peoples blogs and i found it really interesting to see how people interpret things differently. I really like the way my good friend Chelsie Johnson has explored different aspects and chosen to upload her cvs. I will therefore apply this to my own profile as i feel this is a very simple, and straightforward way of showing people what you have been up to in the last few years. I really like that Jonny Howard has chosen to summarize peoples blogs, basically in bullet point format in order to help develop his own page. I like the simplicity of this.

More from me soon guys :)