So writing a diary was something i'd not done in years. I remember when I was younger having this little furry diary and after school each day I would find a few minutes to write down my thoughts and feelings. I can admit that this didn't last last long as I soon got bored and found more interesting things to occupy my time with. It wasn't until now that I realised how rewarding and benefitial writing a journal can be...I just wish I still had that old diary of mine so I could read back and laugh at myself! It also made me realise that I have used journal writing without even being aware of it! Whilst dancing for Disney in Japan, I kept contact with home daily and would use facebook and emails as my way of summing up my days events feelings. I struggled with being so far away from home and looking back, being able to share my thoughts and put it in to words was my coping mechanism. It helped me deal with being so far away.
Having thought about my past experiences with writing a diary, I was really looking forward to trying out all the suggested journal writing techniques! I was intrigued to see that looking back through my emails and facebook messages, I had actually used a lot of these techniques already!
This to me seems like the most normal and natural type of journal writing. I was able to describe the event as well as my emotions. This type I used a lot in previous diarys. However I did find it hard to just stick to this one technigue. It does not allow you to expand and i already found myself stealing elements from other techniques such as 'Evaulation'! Oopps!
Initial Reflection
This I found very interesting as you were able to express your initial feelings on what happened. I found that I had also used this mehthod previously. I do think that your feelings and thoughts can change so I felt myself wanting to explain these reasons and develop it more.
This I found to be wonderful! I was able to jot down short bullet points throughout the day which then made the account more accurate as I didn't miss any important information out! However, looking back at the list, I felt I had been restricted and wasn't able to go in to much detail about the events and emotions I experienced. This I feel is a good way of getting the information down quick so you don't forget, but I feel it is more benifitial combined with other techniques.
Graphs, charts and diagrams
This method for me worked in a similar way to the 'List' method. I used spider diagrams to write down events and I found this to be very quick and easy. Even when skimming over the page you are able to get a clear understanding of the events as it is written in bullet point form and so quick to read.
This was the method I felt myself falling in to with each of the other techniques. I was able to be very honest with myself and explore things that I felt went well and things that were maybe not as successful. I feel that this method does not restrict you as much as the others as you can go in to as much detail as you like. This worked well for me.
What if?
This was a really fun method. I was able to use my imagination and think of different outcomes...some less serious than others! It allowed me to be creative and think that anything is possible! Yes i did win 1 million pounds on the lottery....(not really...only got 2 numbers) but this is what i would have loved to have happened! Oh well :( maybe next time. It also made me think that everything happens for a reason and if we had the choice would we really want to change how things end up?
Another View
This was a good way of exploring an event from a different perspective. I tried the example given to us 'what was the view of your bag through the day?'. I did find this a little bit strange i must admit. It was hard trying to not share my actual emotions, but try and describe it through someone else's eyes. I didn't feel like this was a true reflection of your day. I don't think i would use this technique in the future.
After exploring each of the techniques, I am excited for the future journal writing I have ahead of me! This I know is only the beginning and already I feel it has helped me develop in so many way and make me a better person. This process has helped be be more honest with myself and introduced me to new ways of thinking and reflecting which will help me in my professional practice.
In conclusion I feel that a combination of a few methods together work best to provide an accurate reflection. I like the way I can jot ideas and thoughts down so they are not missed, for them then to be developed later on using description and evaluation techniques. I found it really interesting reading other peoples blogs and seeing how different things work for different people. It's a real eye opener :)!
This has clearly been a very useful exercise in helping you distinguish how different techniques in journal writing can provide different insights. i hope this has been useful in getting you in the zone of professional practice
ReplyDeleteIt is great to see you have tried lots of methods with your journal! I agree about the lists.. they are quite handy to get everything down. I tend to go into more detail with some of the points, especially if they were emotion. I want to explain why it was that I felt that way so that I remember when I look back on it!