Kolbs cycle shows how we all learn in different ways so therefore enter the learning cycle at different points. The entry point can vary depending on the circumstances and what we are experiencing This can also be known as your 'learning style'. It is important to be aware that we have had an experience in order to look back and reflect successfully.
I feel Kolbs diagram breaks down the different stages really well. It is very simple, so quick to read and absorb.
-Concrete Experience (doing/ having an experience)
-Reflective Observation (reviewing/ reflecting on the experience)
-Abstract Conceptualisation (concluding/ learning from the experience)
-Active Experimentation (planning/ trying out what you have learned)
I can definitely say i have experienced entering the cycle at all points depending on my situation. 'Reflective Observation' I find I use quite regularly because I feel by watching others and seeing how they do things helps me learn effectively. For example watching someone attempt a highly complicated dance step. I can then apply what i have learnt to my own professional practice. For us as dancers, a good example of 'Concrete Experience' is taking part in an audition and 'Abstract Conceptualisation' is evaluating the audition. You can learn from the experience and think of things you can improve on for next time. I also find that 'Active Observation' is highly effective as it allows you to try out what you have learnt and see if it actually works for you.
This is great Mel and has helped me lots, seeing as i have been out of the loop for a little bit and am trying to catch up. thanks a lot!! x