When I think of cooperation, I think of a group of people working together, inputting ideas and thoughts to help tackle problems, each giving and taking. Reader 3 relates cooperation with Game Theory and how people work strategically to succeed but with this being at another's expense. Axelrod (1984) explains the importance of cooperating fully with others until you reach a maximum point of benefit, and then to 'defect', finding ways to predict how certain people will respond. Playing the 'Prisoners Dilemma' really helped me understand how people use cooperation to further their careers at the expense of others.
This made me relate this to my own experiences and realise that this is definitely something I have witnessed in the past. Creating alliances with someone and gaining a certain amount of trust, extracting everything you need, to then just 'defect' definitely does not go down well. You do not want to create enemy's in this industry and do not want people to think they have been used. I personally would not play this game, in fear it would go wrong and I would give myself a bad reputation in this small industry. I believe cooperation is all about give and take with the benefits being mutual. How successfull the results depends on whether you decide to cooperate or not. This part of the reader has made me realise that some people think strategically instead of emotionally, doing anything they can to get ahead in the game and this is something i will be more aware of in the future.
Affiliation- a social process that provides us with a network of support that will help us when we need it (crisp & turner 2007 pp266). It is human nature to want to be able to connect and associate with others. We feel the need to affiliate in all walks of life, both professionally and personally. This of course may differ in each person but we each seek to balance our interactions with others to a preferred level (O'Connor & Rosenblood, 1996).
Having affiliations both in the industry and outside helps me keep a good balance. It keeps me grounded and helps put things in to perspective. It makes you see that being cut from that audition isnt actually the end of the world! Affiliations provide a sense of security and are your wall of support. Speaking with friends in the same boat makes me realise that i am not doing this alone and so i find this really comforting. Having interactions with people who share the same experiences as I do is something I appreciate and highly value. From reading this theory i have come to understand that affiliations is something I have relied strongly on for as long as I can remember. It reiterates the importance of the circles you have around you and how they can help develop you as a professional and also as a person. I am aim to keep these strong because i know without them i would be lost!
Social Constructionism
Reader 3 states that social constructionism is a one of a set of related explanations about how meanings about the world are made. We interact with each other to help make sense of things. Interaction helps with both existing and future networks we are part of. It gives us the chance to construct are own meanings and create new and exciting networks that work for us. Before coming across this theory, I can honestly say I had never thought about what social constructionism meant. I like the fact it points out that we as human beings need each other to help create meaning for ourselves regarding are experiences and the world itself. It is now more apparent to me that social constructionism is something I do in my every day life, I just didn't realise it. I can now reflect on my past experiences and bring meaning to them, realising that many were actually created using social constructionism.
Reader 3 explains to us that in relation to professional networks , connectivism shows how networks both learn and provide tools for people to connect and develop their own knowledge. It is linked to 'network theory's' and helps us understand how people communicate and interact via the web. Web 2.0 lends to us the tools to help better educate ourselves and widen our networks virtually. Connectivism auggests the traditional ways of learning should be altered and maybe even cast aside completely. I do not agree with this 100%. Don't get me wrong, I have learnt that without web 2.0 we would be greatly restricted in our learning, but in my opinion, I believe new virtual methods combined with traditional ways is the best way to learn and expand networks.
Communities Of Practice
'A community of practice is a set of relations among persons, activity, and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and overlapping communities of practice'(Lave & Wegner, 1991). This is my favourite theory and one I feel relates to my personal practice. Being part of a community where you are surrounded by those of similar interests is when are you are most relaxed and at ease; therefore more comfortable when making contacts. This also develops social learning and allows us engage within our communities. I can think of occasions when communities I am part of have come together and this has helped me make more sense of situations and problems I am trying to break down. It enables me become more confident in my abilities because i am working closely with those in a similar position who understand and relate to me. We all have a connection and are striving for success. Being part of of a 'community of practice' is something I love and a time when I am at my happiest. Not only am I doing something I enjoy, but I'm also getting to experience it with others who share the same feelings as i do.My communities of practice are a part of my daily routine and so I am constantly surrounded by like minded people and friends. Some of these practices include class, auditions, jobs and generally just socializing with friends.
I have always been aware that networking is something that is crucial in our industry. This part of the module has reiterated this to me even more so and made me realise that a lot of the theories mentioned, I had already been putting in to practice. Some I do not agree with completely but I am able to pick the relivent parts and relate it back to my own personal experiences. I now feel more in the know about the types of networking in the professional circle and will take the time to observe others and learn from their ideas, even if I don't feel they would necessarily work for me.
Some great critical reflection of the module, Mel. have you started darfting your the work you will be handing in for assessment yet. I am looking forward to reading a draft.
Hi Mel
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your viewpoints on task 3b. I agree with you about feeling more in the know about these things. I have come to realise a lot of things in this module I have been touching on with out realising but now I can understand them and know about them I can really get the most out of it! I liked your opinion on social constructionism and can share your view on the subject! Nice work x
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your comment about keeping balanced by having affiliations from both inside and outside of the industry. On the one hand, I always find it good to be able to get support from those people (friends or family) who look at things from a totally outside perspective, particularly when things get on top of me. But it is also equally vital to have the support of people from inside the business who understand how things really are!
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteGood point about cooperation within our industry, it is very easy to be "blacklisted" and it is certainly something you want to avoid. However, do you think that people never defect first when you continue cooperating with them? Do people never let you down for example in an audition, you might help somebody but they might not be willing to help you in return so they look better?
I think you are right to be aware of other people being strategic but I wonder whether sometimes we should all try and be a little bit strategic in certain situations with certain people?! Otherwise others will always benefit at our expense. (Sorry to be pessimistic!)
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog really interesting to read. I totally agree on your view about Connectivism. When I was reading through it in the Reader I was thinking the exact same. A good mix of both, traditional and virtual technology, is the way forward.
I also liked your part on Cooperation where you say that you wouldn't want to get the most out of one person and to then just defect. I do agree with you one that but I also think that sometimes, in order to be successful we have to focus on yourselves first even if that means making enemies. By that I don't mean being an egoist and just doing whatever is best for you and not caring about anybodyelse. But I do think that sometimes we have to stop thinking about others and start to do what's best for us first.
Paola x
Hey Mel, i found this very useful when looking at professional networking, especially the Affiliation part. Having that sense definitely creats a 'equilibrium' throughout personal and professional life.