Wednesday, 21 November 2012

3c- 5 Most Important Sources Of Information

So what are my 5 most important sources of information? I've had a good think and managed to narrow it down to my top 5! I found it interesting reading other people's blogs and was intrigued to see how similar all our thoughts are. I noticed how there are a few sources that keep cropping up amongst us!

1. Friends

Like i said in blog 3a, communicating through friends is definitely my favourite and most efficient way of networking and gathering information. I love socialising, so meeting for a coffee or having a quick chat over the phone is the perfect and most enjoyable combination for me. Not only can it result in finding about an audition or casting, but you also get to develop relationships with your friends and gain support and advice. Of course it works both ways. It's a great feeling knowing you have helped out a friend or been a shoulder to cry on. A friendship group is a circle with each person Inputting information they have gained from various other sources. This provides us all with so much knowledge that we maybe couldn't have gained on our own.

2. The Internet (web 2.0)

In my previous blog I spoke about the amount I rely on Internet sources. Websites such as Spotlight, The Stage as well as email and social networking like Facebook and Twitter. These are all branches which help us pick up information and widen our networking community. I am constantly receiving updates from my Spotlight account about new jobs and castings that have been posted. I am forever using email as a way of communicating professionally with my networks, enquiring about jobs, submitting c.vs etc. This even links in with friends and keeping tight circles with them. Twitter and Facebook are a quick and easy way of checking in on friends whether near or far. The Internet offers us so many platforms to help us develop as professionals. We can receive information as well as promote and advertise ourselves on the likes of YouTube or flickir.

3. iPhone/ laptop

Without my iPhone I can honestly say i would not know how to survive (how bad) As I mentioned above, I am constantly receiving updates regarding auditions and valuable information circling around about our industry. I feel like my left arm has been cut off if I happen to leave my phone at home or my battery dies...this is because I'm worried I will miss something important. I have agents who ring once and if you don't answer then they will just move on to the next person and offer them the job instead. Everything is so fast paced this day in age and I feel that my iPhone provides me with the tools to allow me to keep up with this. If a cv and head shot needs sending then it can be done instantly from my iPhone....I receive my regular updates from Spotlight...through my iPhone. If I need to find out where an audition is held or what train route I need to take, I simply pick up my iPhone and I can receive this information pronto! It's amazing! It does everything. It brings with it a sense of security because it makes me feel like I am never on my own! This source allows me to keep on track of my other important sources and keeps me in the loop wherever I am in the world! I love my iPhone :)....I'm actually blogging on my iPhone right now....iPhone is the way forward :)!!!

4. Agents

Having an agent in this industry is a very important thing. Using their knowledge and contacts they provide us with valuable information. Whether it be to do with auditions and castings, or even using their experience to advise us on cvs or head shots we should use. Whilst I am doing my own research, I know that they too are hard at work trying to help me be successful. Agents can help retrieve feedback for us after an audition and I find this very useful as it helps me think of improvements for next time around. Agents are an important source of information because they are able to access certain information that we may not necessarily be able to get ourselves. As I said in blog 3a, I believe it is essential that every performer maintains a good relationship with their agent in order to help develop and become more successful.

5. Class

For me class is a perfect time to pick people's brains and find out about new and exciting things coming up! I am always so relaxed and around people who have the same love as me so it's a positive atmosphere to be in. I can use this time to observe others and learn from them. I can see what techniques and approaches work for them and apply this to my own skills which will help me in auditions. I mentioned in my blog 3A that I could improve my networking in class by reviewing other peoples techniques. I have already put this in to practice by being aware to catch the teachers eye; which has gained me an audition with their agency.

These are my top 5 sources of information that I feel I use on a daily basis. Each of the sources offers me the relevant information I need to push me in the right direction. In this industry, a combination of networking and information sources, along with hard work and determination can help us become the best we can be!


  1. I don't know how we lived before our I phones!!! I have so much stored on mine. Music, videos, even scripts. Like you said we can access so much with a touch of a button. I often wonder what I would do without it now. Maybe we should have a back up plan for just incase. Who knows the networks could go down or I could in true me style lose yet another phone. Do you have a back up plan? :)

  2. With 4g curretly on it's way in, I think there is a possiblity that with the cross over for iphone users, the system could fail. We are about two years behind as a country with 4g, so massively behind the US. If the system goes down...... I would turn to an old faithful phone, like a nokia (we allllllll had one once) for calls and texts and try my hardest to have internet access via whatever means possible! Paper diary is always handy for dates/times and names etc. The little black book.

  3. Its so true...we do need a back up! You cant always rely on technology! Thats why I believe we should always have a good balance of face to face networking as well as virtual! At least if technology fails us then we always have other sources and are not completely lost!

  4. Hi Melanie

    Your mentioning on Mobile phones inspired me to write about how once upon a time people would have had to send letters, telegrams, check for jobs in newspapers or in shop windows. Everything has changed. Technology has built up over the years, but part of me feels that it makes people lazy. You don't have to go out in the freezing cold winters to do much anymore. Even to communicate with people. It makes us less appreciative and I think we now take technology for granted. I do love the privileges it gives to older people though. Not of course mobile phones, but the internet. They can order all of their grocery shopping online. They are very vulnerable people. One day we will all use this too.

    Anyway, away from being a downer, your blog has helped me so thank you.

    Kim x
