So networking....I used to always dread this word. It has been drummed in to my head since the beginning of college; teachers explaining its importance and how it is a crucial part of our industry. Soon enough, I came to realise that how successful you are sometimes can come down to who you know. It can work in your favour...and then sometimes make you feel like why did I bother training at all if there not going to even look at me? It is sometimes hard to digest but we all have to accept that it is always going to be this way. We may feel like we start at the bottom and don't know a soul, but through ways of our own we can help control this by developing our networks so that one day we are that person who walks in the room and knows you've already got the job.
I am going to talk about my existing networks and how they work well for me. I will also look in to further ideas and observe others to see how I could improve my current networks and so therefore become a better practitioner.
I am going to start this off with friends. Personally this is my favourite way of networking. As I said earlier, I used to dread the word networking as it seemed so forced. I feel that networking through friends is the most natural, and beneficial way of extracting information. You are relaxed and without even realising your doing it you are networking. You don't feel under pressure to pretend to be someone your not or feel like your sucking up to someone. You can be honest with each other and maybe ask questions you wouldn't feel comfortable asking a teacher or an agent for example. It works both ways, you can receive information as well as give it. This can help a friendship group become more aware of important events, such as auditions, workshops, job opportunities. I can't even begin to start with how many opportunities have been thrown my way because of the communication between my friendship group. Whether it be a casting, someone giving me a number of a great photographer, information about a promotional agency...the list goes on. With friends you feel the need to help in any way possible.
This then brings me on to 'socialising'. this is something I do regulary with my friends and feel that this can always lead to great things. Your on a night out, the drinks are flowing and your chatting away to all these new people you've been introduced to. Without even being aware of it, your making contacts, no matter how big or small! You never know who you could meet...(secretly we hope it's the next big casting director who just loves you to pieces and offers you a job right there and then!!) haha we wish!!
I've spoke about networking outside the work place but of course working on a job is an important time when you can get to know people and make contacts. It is important to always work to your full potential because you are always being watched. This is a chance for professionals to see how you work and get to know your personality. This is your chance to remind them why they picked you in the first place, and show how amazing you are so that there's a chance they might consider you for other jobs! I know this has definitely worked for me in the past and I plan for this to be my aim on every other job in the future. An example of this is when I was doing a photo shoot with a photographer and he was telling me about people he had worked with. He mentioned an agency that I had been trying to get an auditon with but couldnt because they were fully booked. Within seconds he was on his phone txting the director of the agency telling him he had to see me! Before I knew it I was stood there a few days later in the audition room, giving it all I could! Something I had been pushing for, for so long and not managed to achieve, was done in the click of a button all because he was good friends with the agency! I know that because I had worked hard for the photographer in the session and showed my potential that he felt confident enough to recommend me to someone important! It just shows, its not always what you know but who you know!
Auditions are a great way of networking and getting your face out there. It is your time to showcase yourself. Even if you don't land the job you are auditioning for, there's a chance someone could still spot you and think you are more suited for anther job! They can lead to bigger and better opportunities so we must always deliver and look our best. At auditions there can be a lot of waiting around so it's the perfect chance to chat to other audition-ees and pick their brains! It's refreshing meeting new faces and hearing about important things that may be coming up.
Of course an obvious way of networking in this industry is through your agent. I take full advantage of their knowledge and make it an aim of mine to speak to them at least two times a week. I have created a good relationship with my agent and so I feel they have a better understanding of my personality and what I am about. This works well for me and I feel is beneficial when they are choosing who to put forward for certain auditions. I constantly touch base to make sure they don't forget about me. This is why I believe you must create a stable relationship with your agent in order to reap the benefits and further your networking community.
Class is somewhere I feel I could develop my networking skills. I usually just stand to the back of the class, with my head down, minding my own business with my focus on the exercises and routines laid before me. This is my time to Improve my fitness and perfect my technique, however, after watching others I have learnt that a dance class can also be used as a way of networking. Catching a teachers eye could lead to bigger opportunities than I realised! You never know who they know and they could even recommend you to someone important. They could even invite you to an agency they are part of! Like auditions, you can build relationships with your peers and widen your contact base. After observing others I can identify new ways of networking and apply it to my own practice.
Social Networking
So lets talk about the virtual side of networking!! It wasn't until I started this course that I came to realise the amount I rely on the Internet and the tools provided to us by Web 2.0. Email is one thing I can honestly say I'd be lost without. I use this tool daily as a way of contacting employers, agents, casting directors and friends. Whether it be to email over a c.v or to simply check in with a friend. It is something we all have and a reliable and quick way of getting information across.
A website I use to help develop my networking community is Spotlight. Spotlight enables casting directors to see our c.vs as well as view portfolios and in some cases even watch us in action by watching a show reel! This is a very valuable source of networking and something I would advise all performers to be a part of.
I use social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook as a way of connecting with friends and family. Some agencies work over facebook, constantly keeping you in the loop regarding interviews, workshops and auditions and sometimes even asking people to fill in on a last minute job. This is very helpful, however i would never use these sources as a way of contacting important people in the business because I feel it would look unprofessional. I believe you should keep your professional network and social network separate.
Networking is a very important part of our industry and as I said earlier, it can even sometimes help you get the job! Personally I prefer networking face to face because the person can get a feel for who you are. However you must keep on top of all networks because in most cases you are not able to meet in person. Already I can see myself learning from others around me and watching what works for them. I can then relate these ideas to my own networks to help develop me in the future.
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