Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Award Title

So after hours/days/weeks of thinking about my inquiry topic/award title i have decided to focus in on the networking side of being a professional.....how is it we stay within the loop of our industry...be this any industry! I feel this is important to us as as performers as things are forever changing....but it is also relevant in all other walks of life and other industries. I believe this is a topic that is prominent in what ever you want to do which is why I am choosing it! I feel this can give me the opportunity to open other doors in my life as i feel it does not limit me to any one thing. Networking was a theme presented in the previous module and this part of the course i found to be the most interesting and exciting...i therefore want to explore this further!

So finding the right words...when your out of work and your pushing for that next job...how do u keep yourself  ready?....'keeping in the loop' somehow doesn't sound quite right....'the sources in which we use to widen our success'....'involved/in the loop/aware'.....'the ways in which you use networking to impact the success of your career'! Any suggestions on wording I could use?

Award title possibility

BA Honours Professional Practice In Network Communications?

Ok so after deeper consideration, realising that my first idea was completely off the mark...I have now decided on an appropriate award title.

BA Honours Professional Practice in Performing Arts

After an email conversation with Adesola and other people's feedback, I realised that 'Performing Arts' shows that I am knowledgable in this subject as a whole and although I am focusing in on the networking side of things, it demonstrates my understanding from all angles.

Performing arts is something I have been passionate about all my life. It is for this reason I chose to move to London at the age of 16 and attend musical theatre college. Along with previous training from a young age, this experience has provided me with the tools necessary to be successful in this industry.

This course has opened my eyes to methods we can use to help develop success and this is why I want to discover more about networking. I believe that this is a vital tool in this profession and will be interested to see how others feel about this.


  1. Hi Melanie - the title you propose should accurately reflect your professional experience and knowledge which comes from the learning you have already done and the the knowledge you will gain from doing the inquiry. The title you are proposing is somewhat misleading .... if I saw that title I would expect the professional to be from the Information Technology or Mobile Communications Industry.... There is nothing there that suggests your actual knowledge and learning .... I suggest you go back to the drawing board ... Best regards

    1. Hi Rosemary,

      I couldn't agree more! After looking back at my suggested title and receiving feedback from other people, I realise how misleading it is. Hannah's comment below has helped me see that my title needs to relate to my learning experiences within my chosen industry which is of course performance. I am interested in how networking sources can be used to widen and develop success in the performance industry! So with all that in mind...back to the drawing board! Thank you for you help.

  2. Hi Mel
    I agree with Rosemary. What about the title of musical theatre? As in essence that is what your focusing on, networking with in Musical Theatre? Also this is what your previous training has been in? Perhaps you could play with adding words around musical theatre to make it more specific to your inquiry?

    1. Hi Hannah. Thank you so much for your response. Along with Rosemary's response, it has helped make everything a lot clearer for me! Your right, my background is performance and that is what i am basing my inquiry on...but of course it is the whole networking aspect in this industry that really intrigues me! Its trying to find the right words! Thank you for your help! x
