Tuesday, 19 March 2013

5B-Codes of practice/regulations in the work place

I found it really interesting discovering more about ethics beyond my own realisations. Some of those original thoughts popped up but i was also able to develop my knowledge on this subject by exploring ethical frame works in a variety of different work places.

The principles of ethics i feel are very similar throughout all types of working environments. Whether it be in the theatre, a class room or even a supermarket, i feel it is the way in which you conduct yourself around others and respect them and the environment. Punctuality, respect, honesty (along with the other points i mentioned in my previous blog) are examples of the traits i believe can be used no matter where you are in life. That was my initial over view of ethics in general...however, delving in to further information enabled me to realise that the principles of ethics may vary slightly depending on your place of work.

For example:

A Teaching Environment

Royal Academy Of Dance is one of the most influential dance education and training organisastions in the world so you can imagine my excitement when i stumbled upon its Code Of Conduct! We only learn from the best :)!

Please take a look at the link!


I love how clear everything is explained to us. There are 4 themes, each with their own bullet points which enables us to read swiftly and digest the information given. They don't bore us with paragraphs and paragraphs of information...they are straight to the point.

Some of the most interesting points for me:

1. Integrity- Respect the confidentiality of colleagues and students.

Confidentiality within a teaching environment is very important. I myself have not taught much but throughout my training i have confided in teachers. It would be seen to be very unprofessional if as a teacher you did not respect this.

2. Competence- Maintain up to date subject knowledge and understanding.

For a teacher this i feel is one of the most important points...because at the end of the day, students go to learn and how can they do this if the teacher doesn't even know what they are talking about? Syllabus work and styles are constantly changing and it is up to the teacher to maintain their standard, knowledge wise as well as physically.

3. Professionalism- Ensure the facilities in which they practice are adequately maintained and constitute a safe learning environment.

Health and safety is a vital when in a learning environment, especially when working with children. Being aware of your space is so important to help prevent injury and provide a successful standard of practice.

4. Compliance- RAD registered teachers are responsible for ensuring that their practices are in full compliance with current legislation in their country of operation as this code of conduct and professional practice.

This code of conduct must be adhered to by all teachers working on behalf of the RAD.

This piece of information has been a great guide line for me for future teaching work i decide to take on.

The Theatre

Whilst discussing and researching ethics with Hannah Stewart earlier last week, she managed to find a great link which talks about the ethics of theatre workers.

Please take a look at the link and especially focus in on the 'rules'. Yes it was written in 1945 but i would say that everything it says pretty much stands the same today!


As i mentioned in my earlier blog, i found that trying to actually think of ethics in my place of work was quite difficult as i never really think about doing it....it just sort of happens automatically.

For example: Never miss a performance, I shall play every performance to my full ability, never miss an entrance, listen to the advice given by directors/ producers/ choreographers, never change lines/choreography on my own accord. The list of 'rules' in the LA Stage Times has made all these points more solid in my mind reiterated to me the importance of these ethics. I luckily have had a very strict training so adhere to these mostly without even having to think or remind myself. However i have witnessed several incidents where other people have not followed these guide lines and it has sometimes resulted in them loosing a job!

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