My plan is to now get all of my information out in front of me and try to make sense of it all. This is quite daunting as there is so much information and its hard to know where to start!
My interviews, focus group, observational notes, surveys my action research as well as all of my literature.
The divisions-
My research is a variety of different ages, roles within this industry, nationality, different professions. With them all being at different points in their careers.
Can I see patterns emerging? Contrasts? Are these divisions showing drastic differences in the way different people conduct themselves? Or are the results quite similar?
As I explained in a earlier blog of mine ' Literature- Trying out a new method' I am using reader 7 as a guide with my literature. Applying this method to my new literature findings will help organise all of the information and make it more readable for me. I hope this will make it easier for me to compare and contrast the different pieces.
Action research-
Reflecting back on the whole process so far has taught me how important it is to be aware that I have my own strong opinions and to always remember that. As long as I am questioning things from different points of view and interpreting things in different ways I am broadening my knowledge and insight and leaving myself open for more information, combining these with my own strong opinions.
This then brings me on to my action research. It would seem silly to wait till the end of the inquiry process to try out new methods I have discovered when I could activately try them out myself during this process and use it as part of my research. I could sort of use it as a pilot type thing with my friends and see what they thought of it. How did It come across? What are their opinions on it? Is that method something I should apply when working with industry professionals in the future?
So in short, i still need to...
speak to a couple more people
experiment with my action research
Evaluate the new lit I have found so it's clear and organised (using my new method)
Add my last bits of info to what I already have/ notes I've already made from interviews obs etc.
start to evaluate and organise into sections- similarities, contrasts. What am I seeing?
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